
Miserable beings roaming mindlessly

chasing empty dreams and breaking each other’s hearts.

The arts are the only thing we got right

as we materialize what is not seen by the naked eye.

Pain comes from the brain.

But then why does my heart ache?

Why does my skin feel too tight?

What is it that blinds me?

Forgive me my love

for seeking shelter in the pen and paper

Instead of your arms.

I do not know how to tell you

about the ugliness in me

when I can hardly find the words to tell myself.

There is a monster that eats my love alive.

I do not have a hand to offer

or a heart to give

with only half a mind.

Forgive me dear

that all of me cannot be here.

Standing beside you in pieces

Pains me.

I have nothing more to give you

but these lines laced with my sorrows materialized

For your eyes to read

and your heart to feel.


Blue Rose: A Poem


Ocean Kiss